Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania


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NOVEMBER 10, 1975




Present:  Commission Members Benson, Fisher, Peters, Woodring


     Meeting called to order at 7:55 P.M, by Rob Fisher, Chairman


1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written.


2. Old Business


a. Communications – None


b. Train Station Project:

Mr. Woodring said that Borough Council approved the intention of the Chamber of Commerce to seek a loan for the completion of the renovations.

The H.S.C voted to sanction the decision to seek the loan from the three (3) lending institutions.  (Moved Woodring, seconded, Peters)

Praise was given to Joe Teplica who is overseeing the restoration work.


3. Report of the Chairman


     a. Rob Fisher reported that he has an appointment with a Mr. William Strickland, an agent for government grants to establish craft training programs. Mr. Strickland will be visiting Bellefonte to look over the mill, the park plans and the town in general as a possible site for one of these training programs.


     b. Registration Program:

Mr. Fisher said he hopes to have official approval on this by next month. Registration would be begun under the County Bicentennial Program for the first year. Offices would be housed in the Centre County Library. After the first year, it is hoped that the County would provide for some of the salaries so that work could con­tinue.


 c.  The property on E. High Street could be restored according to housing coordin­ator, Pat Casher. Costs are being estimated and pictures of the building in its or­iginal condition are being sought.


 d. Rob Fisher had information on grants given to establish or finance business or environmental improvements in rural areas.


4. New Business


a. After discussion, Rob Fisher has offered to send letters to the realtors in town requesting information on the availability of rental space for studios. Some inquiries have been received from area artists and photographers who are looking for space in Bellefonte, perhaps attic rooms with skylights.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. (Moved, Benson, seconded, Woodring.)


Respectfully submitted,