Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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(Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee)

November 9, 1982


Attending were: Melady Klausmeier (President), Chuck Young, (Vice President), Lynn Peters (Treasurer), Liane Schneeman (Secretary)


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Melady Klausmeier, President. Lynn Peters gave the treasurer's report. The following issues were discussed:


      l. Our savings account at Mid-State Bank stands currently at

$ 320.06, and Lynn Peters suggested that we look into the possibility of taking advantage of Federal Savings' more favorable rates. He will again bring before the committee the matter of transferring the money to Federal Savings.


2. It was decided that BHCA should have an audit this year. Lynn Peters suggested approaching Barb Snyder to do the audit for the nominal fee of S 10.00.


       3. A review of all BHCA committees followed. Melady Klausmeier suggested that deadlines should be set for their activities, wherever possible. The following committees were reviewed:


"Top Brass" --Chuck Young agreed to take on the chairmanship

Walking Tours (deadline, Memorial Day 1983) [A flyer indicates that two tours were available Summer 1982 on various days, lasting two hours, each for $1.00.  One was of the Business District, and one of the Residential Area.]

Concerts in the Park

Slide Show for Nittany Mall (deadline, November 1983)

Brochure and Stationery (deadline, Memorial Day, 1983)

Antique Toys Display (deadline, December 4)


    Melady stated that attempts should be made to ask Bellefonte service clubs to help with the preparations for the concerts in the park.


4. The historic fashion show, planned by BHCA and the Project for the Performing Arts, was briefly discussed. The dates for the performance are 17th and 18th of December.


5. It was resolved that Rob Fisher and Melady should jointly pick out the paper for the new stationery. Peter Salter should then be contacted so that the planning of the printing can go forward.


6. The date for the next full meeting of BHCA was set for November 23, 1982.



Respectfully submitted,

Liane Schneeman
