Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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September 27, 1983, Centre County Courthouse Small Courtroom


Members Present: Melady Klausmeier (President), Lynn Peters (Treasurer), Linda Schneeman (Secretary), Cherene Holland, Bonnie Leathers, Tim McDevitt, Jack and Liza Yeager, Maureen Garvin, Morgan Paine, Crystol Thomas, Rob and True Fisher, Gay and Jim Dunne, Nancy Noll


The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by Melady Klausmeier, President.


Treasurer’s Report:

Expenses during the summer months:

     Concerts in the Park and Puppet Shows     $519.00


Remaining in

     Savings account     $ 904.05

     Checking account    $ 505.99

      Total              $1410.04




1. Slide Show: Liane Schneeman reported on the progress made during the summer.  Melady expressed concern that the committee was operating without a projected budget and asked that such a budget

be presented for approval by the membership. The addition of a sound track to the show was discussed. Nancy Noll suggested that we approach WBLF to help us produce it. Rob Fisher suggested that it could con­tain "sounds of the town;" other suggestions: the Mills Brothers, popular songs of the day, Strauss.


2. The Gamble Mill Gallery: Morgan Paine reported that the first show in the new space -- a one-day presentation of one of his works -- had been a success. He noted that the space will be useful for several more months this year. Rob Fisher, Maureen Garvin and Morgan will plan two further shows of work by Rob and Maureen.


3.  Sunday Afternoon Concerts at the Library: Gay Dunne reported that over $1,000 has been donated so far to the Piano Restoration Fund. The program for the 1983-84 season is not yet available, but will be mailed soon. The season will begin with a concert by the Penn State Brass Trio on October 9th; the Allard String Quartet will play on November l3th; the following concerts Will feature Susan Glick, flute, the Madrigal Singers, “Images,” a jazz group, and yet another concert to benefit the Piano Restoration Fund.




"Victorian Costumes" Project: An old fund-raising project was reopened for discussion. At an earlier meeting Crystol Thomas had suggested that we make patterns from costumes in the Historical Museum and reproduce them for sale. Crystol was asked to contact Gladys Murray about a pattern maker; she will also chair a committee to plan this project. Crystol also mentioned that the Wisconsin Historical Society has a similar project, and we might request some of their patterns.




1. Melady Klausmeier reported that BHCA has received two re­quests for money for community projects:

(a) In a letter from the Board of Education, Dr. Gray asked for a donation to help pay for new stage lighting at Bellefonte Elementary School. The cost of this equipment is $6000.00. It was pointed out that various community groups, PPA in particular, use this facility, and it should be supported. Treasurer Lynn Peters was asked to look into our financial situation and retort at the next meeting what amounts were available. The original, approved motion to pledge $50.00 (to be paid by June 30, l984), was tabled until the next meeting.

(b) The Jaycees are planning Halloween parade and asked for financial support. Rob Fisher made a motion to contribute $25.00 --­ to be awarded as prizes ($ 5.00 each) for the five most creative costumes. The motion was carried.


2. Should BHCA become a member of the Bellefonte Area Chamber of Commerce (membership fee is $25.00)? The motion was made and carried that we should join. Bonnie Leathers, Nancy Noll and Lynn Peters will attend meetings alternately.

       3. Bellefonte's "Victorian Christmas." Bonnie Leathers gave a report on the last meeting of town's committee. The kick-off date this year will be November 15. Bellefonte's civic groups are asked to participate in some way. Through Nona Uhler, we were asked to consider planning a guided tour. After considerable discisson, how­ever, we decided to offer making the decorations for the Victorian Ball. Crystol Thomas suggested that, among other things, we provide dancing lessons, and dancing cards for the ladies. Liza Yea.ger, Melady Klausmeier, Jim McDevitt, Crystol Thomas, Bonnie Leathers and Rob Fisher formed a committee.


     The nominating committee presented the new officers for 1983/1984: Cherene Holland, President, Bonnie Leathers, Vice-President, Lynn Peters, Treasurer, Liane Schneeman, Secretary.  The slate was unanimously approved.


     The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.


                                    Respectfully submitted,


                                    Liane Schneeman
