Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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The October meeting was called to order by President Jacobs at 8:27 P.M. Members and quests present were: Melady Klausmeier, Anne Jacobs (President), Peter Schneeman, Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Gay Dunne (Secretary) and James Dunne, Tracey Benson, Claire Kimmel, Carol and Kevin Burke, Susan Plumb.


The September minutes were approved by a motion from James Dunne, seconded by Peter Schneeman.


The Treasurer's report was presented by Peter Schneeman.   

     $3061.32             savings account balance

       468.14             checking account balance

     $3529.46             BHCA's total assets



I. Arts Coordinator Grant: BHCA's matching funds

Two potential fundraising sources identified during last month's discussion were briefly re-examined. Peter Schneeman, representing Talleyrand Park Committee, expressed his doubt that profits from the Committee's calendar sales could be diverted to BHCA for matching funds this year. Unless a recent grant application for additional Park work is generously funded, all calendar profits will be sorely needed for the next phase of Park work.

Melady Klausmeier reported that she was in the act of revising the BHCA flier in time for the Gamble Mill Gallery opening on Oct. 13th, as well as for future membership activities. She stressed that BHCA might also attract members by facilitating the realization of their favorite arts projects.


II. Gamble Mill Gallery opening

Anne Jacobs reported that plans were progressing as scheduled for the Grand Opening on Oct. 13, marked by a three-man show. She reminded us of the importance of supporting this event.


III. Library Concerts

James Dunne added a performing group to the ensembles listed in September's minutes: Paul Laird, baroque cello, plus harpsichord, performer unknown - Jan. 18th.



I. Dickens Christmas reading

Joyce Hagen reported that Tony Lentz, PSU English faculty, inquired of BHCA about presenting his annual reading of “A Christmas Carol" in Bellefonte. Tony would perform gratis, but does not want the responsibility of locating a performing space, publicity, or other production details. Ticket profits would go to BHCA as his sponsor. All those present were enthusiastic about hosting Mr. Lentz's performance, as his reputation as a performer is excellent and the fundraising potential of this event might help to solve our matching fund deficit.


 Several opinions emerged from the general discussion of the event that followed. The large second-floor room in the Gamble Mill was preferred over the large courtroom as an environment more adaptable to the Christmas mode. It was decided to have appropriate music at intermission plus food and drink, and these could be offered more easily at the Gamble Mill. The recommended ticket price was $5, high enough to cover food costs plus a small profit and low enough to be affordable. A cash bar could be arranged. Anne Jacobs was empowered to discuss staging of “A Christmas Carol" at the Mill with Jeanne Murphy and to arrange details immediately if an agreement were reached. Susan Plumb emphasized the educational importance of making the performance accessible to students by scheduling a matinee and/or offering student price tickets.


II. Nominating Committee

Anne Jacobs called for volunteer committee members to draw up a slate of officers for 1987. Peter Schneeman, Melady Klausmeier, and Carol Burke offered to serve.


III. Regional Cultural Center

     Susan Plumb gave a brief sketch of this project, still in an embryonic stager that she is developing cooperatively with Joan Kennedy. Several Bellefonte historic sites are being considered, viz., Garman Opera House, third floor of the MidState Bank, and Crider Exchange.(The latter poses space limitations.) Proposed activities for the Center include instruction in dance, visual arts, and possibly drama and other disciplines. A performance area is also a consideration. Susan envisioned that the center would function as a non-profit organization. She invited comments and feedback from BHCA members and plans to make a more formal presentation in the future.


    The meeting adjourned, more or less unofficially, at 9:35 P.M. The November meeting will be on November 13th, Thursday, at the Dunne's home.


Respectfully submitted,

Gay D. Dunne
