Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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The meeting was called to order by Anne Jacobs (President) at 8:30 P.M. The following members and guests were present: Peter Schneeman, Melady Klausmeier (Vice-president), Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Gay Dunne (Secretary), Carol Burke, Rob Gannon.


The Treasurer's report was delivered by Peter Schneeman in the absence of the Treasurer and the Treasurer pro tem.

       savings account balance      $3061.32

       checking account balance     $ 652.16

       total assets (9/16/86)       $3713.48

Additional transactions of $350 in undeposited funds and $125 in outstanding bills are pending.


Arts Coordinator Grant


Ways and means of generating $2500 in matching funds for the Arts Coordinator's PCA grant were discussed. These funds will be needed to support the position as of 5/1/87. The following potential sources of income were identified:

     1) Lump sum pledges or specific project contracts from member organizations using the Arts Coordinator's services.

     2) Fundraising project by BHCA

 3} Donation of proceeds from Talleyrand Park calendar sales as a one time gift. This could occur only if Bellefonte Borough subsidizes the completion of the Park.

 4) Membership drive to broaden BHCA's base, especially if new organizations were added.

     It was decided to immediately pursue sources 1) and 4);(3) is dependent on events beyond our control and (2) imposes more time and money demands on our group. Joyce Haqen agreed to approach current member organizations about contracting for her services. Melady Klausmeier offered to revise and reprint HHCA's promotional brochure to display at the next Gamble Mill opening on Oct. 13. This would be the first step of a membership drive. Joyce Hagen will also broach membership to these area organizations: Curtin Foundation, Bellefonte Historic Railroad, Victorian Christmas.


Library Concert Series – 1986-1987

Gay Dunne reported that four ensembles had been scheduled thus far: Barry and Susan Kroeker (oboe and flute), Stephen and Terry Smith (piano and soprano), Rosetti Qhintet (woodwind quintet from Holland), and Ray Page, Gay and Jim Dunne (violin, viola, piano, and horn). A fifth group would soon be scheduled. The first concert will be in January. Donations will once again be solicited at the concerts to augment grant monies supporting the series.


The meeting adjourned at 10 P. M. The October meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 7.


                              Respectfully submitted,


                              Gay D. Dunne, Secretary