Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, September 24, 1993


Present: Kevin and Carol Burke; Dave Trost (President); Joyce Hagen; Leeshaun and Kevin Musick; Bob and Candy Dannaker; Rob Gannon and Melady Kehm (Vice-president); Helen Bechdel; Romayne Naylor (Secretary); Amy Forsyth and Charlie Farrell; Dave Eggler; and Jim and Gay Dunne.

Location: Home of Peter Schneeman

Secretary: Rob G. moved and Melady seconded accepting the minutes with applause. The motion passed.

Treasurer: In Alex's absence, Dave passed out copies of treasurer's reports for July, August and September. Assets on September 24: CDs $3460, savings $7862, checking $1016, total $12,337.  Summer Sounds 93 had income of $2031 and expenses of $1139, for a return to treasury of $892.  The reports were accepted as presented.

Arts Administrator: In Sarah's absence, Dave reported the Local Government Grant forms have been submitted for the signatures of Borough Manager Walt Peterson and Council President Bill Schultz. Previous grants have provided $2,500 to the Gamble Mill Gallery, $300 to the Film Forum and $300 to the Old House Fair.

Summer Sounds: Dave signed a letter composed by Alex thanking the committee for a successful season. Attendance estimates were: Bald Headed Blues Band, 350; Simple Gifts, 325; Mick Dennis, 140; Tommy Wareham, 300; Red Apple Juice, 450; Little German Band, 550; Deacons of Dixieland, 425 and Jumpin' Mudcats, 350. From available treasurer's reports we noted the following audience contributions: Red Apple Juice, $165; Little German Band, $216; and Deacons of Dixieland, $170. The bands were being paid $100, but will receive $130 in the future. Bob said other organizations are capitalizing on our concerts' popularity. The Gazebo was the site for a hymn sing the week following our last concert and a community band concert the week after that. Candy said we need a more sophisticated sound system for the park. Among the suggestions were that the Borough and other organizations likely to use it should help pay for it and that the system should have underground wires and speakers that look like stones, fountains or sculptures so they blend into the background.

Gamble Mill Gallery: The last meeting Joyce will chair will be at her house at 7:30 p.m. September 29. We discussed how difficult it is to get the Centre Daily Times to list events. Rob G. said Bob Ashley is in the Bellefonte office once a month and the way to get some action is to go complain to him about no local coverage. Joyce said the Gallery is scheduled through February and a few slots beyond. She also reported Paul and Marybeth Ruby are back in town, so we should get their new address and get them involved on the committee again.

Tiles: There are six of the first tiles left. Romayne sold one of the second tiles at the Arts and Crafts Fair in August and Candy presented one to Lt. Gov. Mark Singel and used one as a door prize at the Democratic Party dinner.

Victorian Christmas: Volunteers are needed to do set up etcetera for the Victorian Arts and Crafts Fair. Romayne said new board members are also needed. Candy is handling arrangements for storytelling for all ages, a new event.

Other Business:
     Rob G. and Candy told about plans for a Celtic festival, probably to be sponsored by Historic Bellefonte Inc. Mike McLain (MacLain, McClain ...?), of Axeman, organized a similar festival at his former home in Eddystone. He's shooting for October 1994. There are plans to expand to a multiple ethnic festival or festivals in 1995.

Candy also reported progress in contacting artisans and craftspeople for the arts co-op she's been trying to organize. The Temple Court property manager said the owners are willing to reduce the rent to "incubate" the co-op. Candy noted the co-op would generate foot traffic that would help attract other businesses.

Melady reported the Dunnes have hired Gretchen Heil to manage their new gallery -- still affectionately known by us as the "Dazzle Me Gallery." (As if on cue, the Dunnes arrived.)

Since we had digressed so, both Amy and Charlie tried make a motion for adjournment. Kevin seconded it and we stampeded the refreshments.

Respectfully submitted,
Romayne B. Naylor