Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, April 21, 1995


Present: Kevin Musick, Jim & Gay Dunne, Cheryl & Paul DeCusati (Treasurer), Helen Bechdel, Rob Gannon, Claudia Wilson (Arts Administrator), True & Rob Fisher, Dave Eggler (Secretary), Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Dave & Sarah Trost, Peter Schneeman, Candy & Bob Dannaker, Mary Vollero, Gretchen Hyle, Frank Dankanich, Ed Olsen, Molly Schwartz

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of True & Rob Fisher


Minutes: Dave T. moved and Peter seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the March 17 meeting as read, with two exceptions: (1) As noted by Joanne, the March 17 entry correcting the minutes of February 17 regarding the Murder Mystery Night committee was itself incorrect -- the Committee will investigate Bed & Breakfast locales where MMN's have been held.  (2) Kevin noted that the statement that BHCA "will recognize voting members as those contributing > $10 in dues or donations" should have read "will recognize voting members as those contributing > $10 in dues or donations".  A penny saved...


Treasurer's Report: Paul presented a Treasurer's Report for February and March.  On 1/31/95 the checking balance was $866.31 and on 3/31/95 $2227.01, representing inflows of $3807.75 (including a transfer of $2000 from savings) and outflows of $2447.05.  Activity in the checking account included Old House Fair entries.  The summary of OHF finances to 4/20/95 is $2475 in income, including a $200 balance from 1994, and $2106.06 in expenses, leaving a balance of $368.91.

         Gay moved and Cheryl seconded that the report be accepted as read.  Passed.


Arts Administrator:

•Claudia reported that a request for funding for the arts as a matching grant from Bellefonte Borough was turned down.  The sum of money instead went to Parks & Recreation to repair Talleyrand Park facilities.

•The PA Art Alliance gave BHCA a $100 scholarship for registration at its annual conference. 

•The Chamber of Commerce has sent an inquiry whether BHCA wishes to place a 5-line advertisement in the new Bellefonte map.  The cost is $125.  Rob G. moved and Ed seconded such action.  Passed.

•The Bellefonte Bicentennial Committee sent announcements of its activities, which will commence August 15 and end August 30.  The Committee requested a $200 donation from BHCA.  Rob G. moved and Ed seconded a motion that we donate $100.  Passed.

•Local Government Grant money is available.  A press release will be released soon.  Applications are due May 15, and BHCA committees are eligible to apply.

•No word has been received on the application to the Garver Fund for $1000 for Summer Sounds.

•A call was received from Clinton Davis, who is the brother-in-law of William Billy Mills, a local indigenous painter now in a nursing home.  He desired a place to store Mr. Mills' art or to prepare it for sale for the estate.  Jim & Gay will handle the matter.

•  Claudia again raised the issue of BHCA participation in the Bicentennial.  Kevin promised action later in the meeting.


Old House Fair: Sarah observed that the OHF was a great success.  The tickets were sold out and excellent comments were received.  And it made a small profit.  Acclaim erupted.


Film Forum: Dave T. announced that Dan Clemson will talk and show videos, with music, that have a Bellefonte connection.  The showings will occur on three Wednesday's in June.


Library Concerts: The next concert will occur on April 30, featuring Sherri Garoian, soprano, and Koya Ohmoto, pianist.


Gamble Mill Gallery: Mary Vollero announced that the next show of three landscape photographers -- Paul Ruby, Steve Wiliams, and Gerry Kempner -- will open May 13.  The reception, to include artists' talks, will be on May 16.  The GMG Committee is trying to cut the mailing list in half, and is allowing artists to design their own announcement cards. 


Summer Sounds: Rob G. reported for Melady that the series has been publicly announced.  The series includes two performances arranged by the Bicentennial Committee.


Murder Mystery Night: Sarah reported that a costumer is on board and ready but that activities have stalled at the writing stage.  The Committee needs an outline, a period, and facts to be given out to an audience.


Artscape: Rob G. reported for Melady that activities are "plugging along".  Ed reported that Ray Agostinelli is interested in developing studios only and not any living spaces above the studios. 

        John Kountz, present at the last meeting, is not buying Cherry Alley properties after all.  A new entrepreneur has emerged however -- Rob has bought the old laundry across the street from the Big Spring.


Good of the Order:

•  BHCA participation in the Bicentennial was brought up for the nth time.  The consensus appeared to be that BHCA operate a stand offering either lemonade or a Victorian-era flavored lemon on a stick.

•  Candy observed that the CVS building behind Talleyrand Park offers a view of an ugly wall to visitors to the Park, a view that could be brightened (or softened?) by a mural.  An interested artist could apply for a Local Government Grant.  An informal committee of Candy, Rob, Peter, Ed, and Gretchen formed on the spot.

•  Rob G. learned that an Allentown travel writer is doing a piece on Bellefonte.  In addition to the town, he was quite impressed on his visit with the Reynolds Mansion Bed & Breakfast.

•  Adam & Art will present a Rob Fisher show from May 4 onward.


Next Meeting: June 2 at the residence of Cheryl & Paul DeCusati.


Adjournment: Dave T. moved, Sarah seconded, no dissension.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary