Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, January 17, 1997

Mark Van Horn, Secretary


Present: Jim Loughran, Kevin Musick, Paul & Cheryl DeCusati, Helen Bechdel, True Fisher (President) & Rob Fisher, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Bob Fenichel, Jim & Gay Dunne, Rod Bingaman (Arts Administrator), Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Kerby Macrae, Kathy Miller, Susan Jackson, Julie Rubin, Mark Van Horn (Secretary)


Location: Adam and Art Gallery


Meeting called to order at 8:15 PM: True began the meeting with introductions for the benefit of new members and unfamiliar faces. Lists of the Board of Directors and Committee Heads with contact information were disseminated to those in attendance.


Upcoming Events: Jim reminded us of the appearance of 'WunderBrass' at the Library on 1/26, 2:20PM. Also, a reminder of the next meeting at Adam and Art on 2/21, 7:30PM.

Dave informed us of the Gamble Mill Gallery reception on 1/29, 7:30PM, featuring 35 local artists.


Secretary's Report: There was a correction in the minutes of the October meeting; the film maker came from the Pittsburgh area, not the 'Hilly' area. There was also a correction in the minutes of the November meeting; Rod's last name is spelled 'Bingaman.'

Melady moved to accept the minutes from both meetings, and Cheryl seconded. Both were accepted.



Treasurer's Report: Dave sent Thank You notes to all 1996 donors.

There was no transaction report, but the 1997 budget was presented. Dave stated that $2,600 in donations will be needed in '97 to break even. Also, there was a reminder that 1997 BHCA member dues are "happily accepted" at this time. Paul moved to accept and Rob Gannon seconded; the report was happily accepted.



Arts Administrator: Bill Daniels is leaving PCA. Also, the PCA grant proposals are due on 2/1/97. Rod is requesting an increase in the amount of all grants. Included in these proposals are $5,200 for the Arts Administrator, and $2,500 each for the Film Forum and the Gamble Mill Gallery. Rod stated that he would like to get PCA's involvement with the Gamble Mill because attendance is high.


     Rod also added that he would like some feedback on the written proposals before he mails them. Paul applauded the aggressiveness to increase funding for the Film Forum, but asked if we could really expect it based on past performance. Rod gave his rationale, which was based on his experience as a film series curator. Rod stated that he needs attendance data from walking tours, tea parties, and other small events. He also needs any other information pertaining to all events (dates, locations, etc.) by the deadline. In addition, he needs any clippings from 1996 that he does not already have.


Rod is updating all mailing lists.

Finally, a fund raising letter is scheduled to be sent out, possibly for St. Patrick's Day.


Film Forum: "My Three Fathers" was shown at Adam and Art. There was also a triple header followed by a short talk about documentaries given by Chris Jordan. Heather Hartley helped in obtaining the films. Rod is working on media publicity and added that 'the media around here are a little weird.' He asked for more volunteers for the committee. Rod also put notices in two national publications to attract first run features. Rob Fisher mentioned that he talked with Lou Pepe about obtaining a big film that might require a larger building.


Victorian Christmas: Mark said that the vendors he spoke to were very pleased with the theater location. Several vendors raved that they want the same space next year. Also, Ron Wiser gave the $150 check back to BHCA; Dave will write this in as a donation.

     True said that the number of vendors was 48, up from 36 last year. Our total profit share was $1,520, up from $1,140 last year.

A discussion began about the table situation. It was agreed to tell vendors to bring their own tables. Paul said to add a small fee if we were to supply a table. Mark mentioned that it might be good diplomacy to raise the price of space to $85, and then offer a $10 discount to the vendors who bring their own tables.


Library Concerts: Jim handed out calendars with the schedule to April. He added that this is our 16th year for this event.


Gamble Mill Gallery: Dave said that the schedule is unfilled after September. He's also looking for people to help hang art.


Old House Fair: Kevin said this is planned for early April. One major theme may include 'taking care of your entire property, inside and out.' There is also the strong possibility that lunch will not be served. Kevin added that Coldwell Banker may get involved with this event.


Garden Club: No meetings as of yet.


Suzuki Concerts: Kevin said that there was an appearance on CNET, and BHCA is mentioned.


Summer Sounds: Melady gave the schedule which runs every Sunday from 6/ 15 - 8/10/97. She reminded us that last year was profitable, but the main goal is to bring free, live music to the gazebo in Talleyrand Park. She is also looking for committee members. She mentioned getting help from the Musicians Union (called the Musicians Trust Fund).


Walking Tours: Melady defined what occurs during these events, and that there are three tours a year.


Artscape: Melady stated that the next step should really focus on obtaining a building. She would like to see artists on the committee. A written report will be revealed next month. Melady added that we have funds for three more issues of "Artscape News." She's looking for people to help with at least one more issue. She handed out leftovers of Volume 1, Number 1 (a future collector's item) for review.


Membership: Jim said that the Christmas Party was successful and is a good vehicle for membership. There is no other progress to mention at this time.


Other Notes:

Rob Fisher talked to Dave Kurtz and was told that a 'serious kayak course' is going to be created. Rob thought that BHCA could have activities that coincide with kayak events.

     Rob informed us that the Brockerhoff facade may be restored to its exact original shape, but the inside of the entryway might end up nicer than the original.


Kevin said that the Children's Museum is planning an event and he wants our mailing labels.


Gay informed us on local government grants. BHCA received $2,562 from the state, and the borough provided $6,000


Adjournment: True adjourned the meeting at 9:47PM with no motions.