Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes for Friday, June 15, 2001
At the home of Carolyn Shapiro and Paul McMillan


Attending: Gay Dunne, Jim Dunne, Bob Fenichel, Rob Fisher, Lisa Horlein, Colina Jordan, Melady Kehm, Paul McMillan, Romayne Naylor, Carolyn Shapiro, Sam Totor,


Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:17 p.m.


Review of minutes: Correction of minutes were as follows:

Presentation - David Harry was a representative of Centre Playhouse, not Centre County Playhouse Bob F. moved to approve with corrections. Jim seconded; motion carried.


Treasurer's report: No report.


Arts Administrator's report: Mail was distributed. No report.


Committee reports:

Gallery at the Gamble Mill: The exhibit reception on Tuesday, June 12, for PA Centre for Landscape Painting Group Exhibit was well attended. Approx. 150.


Old House Fair: No report.


Summer Sounds: Colina reported that the YMCA has not approved the use of their facilities in the event of rain. The YMCA is requesting proof of insurance for Summer Sound events that occur at the YMCA. Colina is looking into the Presbyterian Church as a possible alternative. R. Naylor will write a letter to Ralph Stewart, Borough Manager, requesting coverage for venues such as the YMCA for specific, special events e.g. Summer Sounds. Bob moved to check on type of coverage available to BHCA. Motion carried; Colina opposed.


Film Forum: Bob reported that the committee was entertaining the thought of combining the FF with a presentation from the author of "Save Our Land, Save Our Town". No decisions have been made.


Library Concerts: No report.


Victorian Christmas: No Report


Local Government Grant: Gay has scheduled a meeting with Ralph Stewart (Fri. a.m., June 22) to discuss the Local Government grant process and distribution of awards.


Old Business: None


New Business:

A subcommittee was formed to plan the BHCA 25th Anniversary party. The purpose of the party would be to welcome new members and to thank the old members. The committee will consist of Jim, Gay, Romayne, and Sam.


Next meeting: The next meeting will be in October.


Adjournment: Bob moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Gay seconded; motion carried.