Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Agenda for 7:00 p.m., Thursday, April 29, 2004
Centre County Historical Library & Museum, Pennsylvania Room

1. Call to order/Introductions


2. Review of Minutes


3. Treasurer's Report: David Eggler


4. Arts Administrator's Report: Sam Totor


5. Committee Reports:

a. BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill

b. Old House Fair

c. Summer Sounds

d. Film Forum

e. Sunday Afternoon at the Library

f. Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Show

- Report from April 14th meeting

g. Local government grants

h. Corporate Sponsor

- Received donations from ARKAT ($100) and Restek ($250)

 - Cert. of Appreciation


6. Old Business:

a. Historic Profile Brochures -Received $250 from CCCF

b. Non-profit status renewed from Dept of Revenue

c. Status of B. Ever's proposal


7. New Business:

a. Dave Kurtz Presentation


8. Next Meeting/Adjournment: June 11 at the Dunnes