Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Date: May 27, 2008
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Café on the Park

Type of meeting: General membership meeting
Members present: Mark Houser (Arts Administrator), Sara Jarvis (Corresponding Secretary), Erin McCall (Recording Secretary), Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Jim Dunne, and Gay Dunne

Minutes from previous meeting (4/29/07):
All present accepted the minutes

Treasurer’s report:

§         No new report

Arts Administrator’s Report:

§         Mark passed around the cultural data project results

§         Updating the contact list for officers and active members

§         Still going through the mailing list but have about 25 people to take off right now (those that have moved, are deceased, or no longer wish to receive mailings, etc)

§         By-laws: nothing new to report; they still need to be reviewed by an attorney.

o       Dave will talk to Chuck Brown

o       Mark will talk to Denny Mason

Library Concerts:

§         Done for this season

Gallery at Gamble Mill:

§         Receipts for Dave for the last mailing

§         Need to make a deposit at the post office before another mailing can go out since the balance is getting low

§         Next show going up on 5/31/08 with reception to follow on 6/3/08

Summer Concerts:

bullet One change to line up—switch 6/15 and 8/3 bands
bullet Mailing to go out at the end of the week and posters will be ready for distribution
bullet Ordered 200 extra postcards this year

Talleyrand Park:

bullet Applying for a new grant through Centre Community Foundation
bullet The fence will come down once the sod takes root


§         Local government grants

o       Gay: recommendations have been made

§         Elections committee

o       Jim: Nothing to report

§         BHCA logo

o       Jim brought a couple color logos for the group to review

§         Unanimous vote on burgundy gazebo with yellow stairs

§         Garman wants to solicit corporate donations for live performances.

o       Dave and Mark met with the group at the Garman and agreed that BHCA would act as the parent organization for the 1st performance only (Annie)

o       Dave: BHCA cannot lose money by getting involved

§         Art lectures/demonstrations

o       To be discussed at the next meeting

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 16th at 7 pm; location TBD

Dave moved to adjourn; Gay 2nd.