Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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October 30, 2015, 7 PM
BIVCC (Train Station)

Present: Romayne Naylor, President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Joanne Tosti-Vasey,True Fisher Nancy Perkins, Gay Dunne, Jeanne Newlin, Joseph Griffin, Julia Kasdorf, Philip Ruth, Dave Kurtz, Colina Seeley. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws. Guests: Matt Hill - Logan Branch Insurance, Dr. Donna King - Pastor St. Paul AME Church; Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mahon.


Matt Hill, Logan Branch Insurance, reviewed our current liability policy and discussed our insurance needs concerning the freight house relocation to Talleyrand Park and its use as a museum. Our current liability will need to be increased to $1,000,000/occurrence for a modest rate increase. We cannot get insurance to cover damage to the building during the move. Once it is on foundation, the owner’s insurance will cover - we will be responsible of obtaining insurance and paying the premium. A museum insurance policy can be obtained from the Hartford . He discussed other insurance that may be necessary. The Historic Preservation committee will be reviewing insurance need with our lawyer when we review the relocation and lease agreements.

Dr. King and Mark Mahon discussed the situation with St. Paul AME Church and the importance of its history to Bellefonte. They are looking for help with repairs and restoration of the building: masonry, badly damaged windows stained glass, doors and steps, painting, gutter replacement. Drainage from Half Moon Hill is causing a lot of damage. Handicapped access needs to be addressed, possibly by installing an inclined lift and a ramp system in the back or the building. They are pursuing an estimate and a budget. It was suggested that BHCA could help with the grant process. Grants to consider include the Keystone Facade Grant for 2016 and a grant from the Mormon Church. A local contractor is considering teaching window repairs for a course at the Church.

Minutes - Minutes of 9/18/15 were approved (Joanne, Jeanne)

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) - Report approved (Gay, True). click here for the report

Committee Reports

Curtin Village – Oct. 29 meeting included PHMC representative, Sue Hannegan (County) and Gloria Briggs of the Roland Curtin Foundation. A board was appointed which includes Gary Hoover, treasurer, Jeanne Newlin, curator. New bylaws will be considered. PHMC will continue with repairs including outside restrooms. Curtin Village has one rent paying tenant who does maintenance.

Summer Sounds - No report.

Sunday Afternoons at the Library - Jay Vonada, swing nova Nov. 15, 3 PM

Gallery at the Gamble Mill – Closed

Victorian Christmas - The Event Guide has been sent to the printer.

Poetry (Julia) – Tuesday, November 17, 7:30 PM, Bellefonte Art Museum - Julia Swarstad, author of Jumping the Pit. Julia read a poem by Ms. Swarsted. Her poems are written in the voices of individuals from who lived and worked around the iron furnaces.

Old House Fair (Joseph )- April 29 & 30, 2016. There will be widespread email promotion through the APS and Centre County Historical Society. We will be able to accept online registration payment through a link on to the Historical Society website.

Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - The Freight House Land Development Plan was presented to the Borough Planning Commission by Jeff Bowman of Sweetland Engineering on October 26. The plan was approved with the condition that outside elements be added: railroad fence, brick walk , exterior lighting. After the meeting BHCA members Nancy Perkins, Jeanne Newlin, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Dave Kurtz & Jim Dunne met with Jeff to discuss the Plan and possible revisions. The Plan is being reviewed by the County, and Centre County Code.
     BHCA has been invited to participate in the Home Facade Improvement Grant selection process. The committee will administer the review of the applications which will go out in January.

Talleyrand Park (True) - Future projects: Restore the east side of Spring Creek; landscaping around the Freight Station site; ground cover on the Big Spring outlet bank by the new bridge; new trees scheduled to be planted; new park sign with its history , hours and no dogs restriction, allowing the removal of metal signs; repair suspension bridge boards and provide better drainage.

New Business - The Chamber “Visitors Guide” ad is up for renewal. The renewal was approved (Joanne, Joseph). Brief discussion: The Fornicola Fountain to be installed in the new section of Talleyrand Park. HBI will do a marketing plan for tourism.

Next BHCA Meeting: 7PM, Friday, November 20, at the Train Station.

Motion to adjourn (Joseph, Joanne)

Jim Dunne, Secretary