Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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October 21 2016, 7 PM
Train Station

Present:  Jim Dunne, Secretary; Dave Eggler, Treasurer; Gay Dunne, Joseph Griffin, Nancy Perkins; Dave Kurtz, True Fisher, Jeanne Newlin, Phil Ruth, Julia Kasdorf; later, Romayne Naylor, President; and Sally Houser

Jim, in lieu of Romayne, who had another engagement, presided over the meeting.  He continued in the role after Romayne joined when the Train Rides were cancelled by the overnight flooding from a serious storm in the region.

Gay moved that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved.  Nancy Perkins seconded the motion which passed.

The Treasurer’s Report was distributed by Dave Eggler.  He announced that a BC010 report, new in Pennsylvania, is needed as a financial review along with a financial statement.  If successful, it can be put on the website; if not, the organization cannot collect money.  It was submitted last year, but then BHCA had less than $25,000 as a charitable organization.  This fiscal year, 2015-16, however, having in excess of $100,000 in the budget, an audit will be needed with a review by the CPA firm Baker Tillly.  The review costs $3,000.  The annual seasonal fundraising letter will be prepared soon emphasizing the completion of the Freight Warehouse museum project. Gay moved that the Treasurer’s report circulated be accepted.  Sally seconded the motion which passed. Click here to view the report.

Dave Kurtz spoke about the high water in Spring Creek at the Waterfront calling into question whether the kayaking demonstration for which he had received authorization could be held the next day. He will know during the morning tomorrow.

Summer Sounds – No further report because of the absence of the co-chairs.

Sunday Afternoon at the Library concerts – Jim reported on the program of the new season.  Postcard announcements of the season are being distributed locally with advertisements also in the Lock Haven Express.

Out Loud at the Museum – Julia reported that the Bellefonte Moth program was extremely well received by an overflow audience. The suggestion was made to keep the publication “Leaping the Pit” available as BHCA gets a percentage of sales. A $100 stipend is sought, as discussed previously, for the poet Robin Becker at the November 11 program.  BHCA approved.

Old House Fair – Joseph announced that the OHF retained a balance from the April 2016 event in the amount $2,999.60.  Rather than distribute it among the three organizing sponsors, it is being kept as capital to launch the April 2017 expanded OHF program. He continued by explaining the additional features being planned for the next OHF and spoke of the keynote speaker already retained and other advances made. The OHF committee has been meeting every month since the completion of the previous occasion and has a well-organized task action plan for the next.

Victorian Christmas – Sally said that she has been working hard to get the program in place and the publication out for extensive promotion of the event. The website now is up. There will be a 35th anniversary gala but no theatrical troup. The professional troup is coming again for Saturday and Sunday. Organized bus tours are expected to arrive on Saturday. The BHCA Arts and Crafts Fair will be held at the YMCA and the Middle School. Sally intends this year be her last as an administrator.

Historic Preservation Committee – Jeanne reported that the Gamble Mill bankruptcy hearing in the Federal Court in Williamsport is scheduled for November 4; no sale can take place until the judge rules to do so. One of the annual Centre County Historical Society Preservation Awards is being given to BHCA and Dave Kurtz for saving as well as repurposing the Bellefonte Freight Warehouse. Dave hopes for a slalom demonstration on Spring Creek if the flooding recedes adequately.  Curtin Village has sustained flooding overnight as well; Jeanne will join another Board member to assist tomorrow morning.

Talleyrand Park Committee – True explained that they are working with Victorian Signs to develop additional signs based on the sculpture area.  The concept is to unify all the signage in the park, a concept which met with the approval of all. Sally, in her capacity as president of HBI, announced that her organization is prepared to contribute financially. Further, the County Conservation District is presenting an award to True in recognition of the watershed improvement achievement at Talleyrand. Also, another PSU-OLLI program is anticipated to feature the park.

Sally updated us on the progress of the Bellefonte Marketing Committee which she originated and chairs, originally under the auspices of HBI but now extended within the community on a broader basis. She announced a significant new tourism grant received under the auspices of Sen. Jake Corman along with the grant application assistance of Don Holderman. It makes possible the renovating and opening of the Richard Knupp Welcome Center for visitors at the Knupps’ business address on N. Allegheny St. where they are making two historic rooms available for the purpose. She also explained the several designed tours of Bellefonte which will be administered by a local travel agent who, though independent, also is associated with Kish Travel.

New business: Romayne brought to our attention the RSVP organization in Centre County which specializes in volunteering.

Nancy Perkins, who is on the advisory board of the Art Museum, informed us that there is an upcoming Christmas exhibition there and said that matching fund contributions for the Seig grant are needed.

The next meeting of the BHCA will be on Thursday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Newlin, Acting Secretary